WARNING Real food only

Eating real food may restore connection to authentic flavours,

WARNING Real food only

Eating real food may restore connection to authentic flavours,

WARNING Real food only

Eating real food may restore connection to authentic flavours,

WARNING Real food only

Eating real food may restore connection to authentic flavours,

Clean label Explained

Clean label as we define it refers to products made only with 100% real ingredients. True, simple and authentic.

Real Food = Whole Foods
Real Food = Unprocessed foods
Real Food = Clean label

That’s it. No tricks, no distortions, no long lists of unpronounceable fake stuff. The great thing is, Mother nature knew what she was doing because real food always packs a nutritional punch.

At the Bodega, we’re committed to curating the biggest, most authentic selection of clean label products for you. You give us purpose <3


The fake stuff never makes it through our doors.


Refined Sugar:

Also known as white sugar, corn syrup, fructose, cane sugar, sucrose, brown sugar etc.

Oh sugar. It’s in practically everything, and it's the number one contributor to obesity, diabetes, and other diet-related diseases. But here's the thing: not all sugar is created equal. Refined sugar is the real culprit, so rest assured we don’t carry any products with it. Instead, we opt for real sweeteners like coconut sugar, honey or maple syrup.

Seed Oils:

Also known as canola oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, vegetable oil, corn oil, palm oil etc.

Seed oils are another problem we need to address. They're commonly used in processed foods because they're cheap and abundant, but they're also highly inflammatory. This can lead to chronic inflammation in the body, which can contribute to a host of health problems. We choose healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil, and avocados as our oil sources instead.

Artificial Flavours:

Also known as vanillin (imitating vanilla), butyric acid (imitating butter), citral (imitating citrus), benzaldehyde (imitating cherry/almond) etc.

Artificial flavours are another issue. They're often added to food to imitate and exaggerate a desired flavour profile. They're often made from synthetic chemicals that can be harmful to our health. Instead, we choose foods that are packed with real, authentic flavours. Your taste buds will thank you, and so will your body.

Natural Flavours:

The questionable ingredient.

Natural flavors might sound better than artificial ones, but they can be just as problematic. The truth is, the FDA doesn't regulate the term "natural flavours" so food manufacturers can use it to hide all sorts of additives. Ask food manufacturers about the origin of their natural flavours and the most common response is "We can't disclose that, trade secret". Yeah, we'll pass.


Also known as potassium sorbate, sorbic acid, sodium nitrite, parabens,  sulfites, propionates etc.

These sneaky additives are used to extend the shelf life of food, but they come with a host of potential health risks. They can cause allergies, headaches, and even cancer. That’s why you won’t find chemical preservatives in any of our products. We look for natural preservatives instead like salt, vinegar, or citrus extracts.


Also known as soy lecithin, xanthan gum, guar gum, carrageenan , pectin, agar etc.

Finally, let's talk about emulsifiers. They are commonly used to keep ingredients from separating in processed foods, but they can also disrupt our gut microbiome, lead to inflammation and can cause allergic reactions. We stay away from emulsifiers and always choose products with whole, unprocessed ingredients instead.

How to read a label.

1. check Ingredients

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2. Check nutritional value

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3. Never Check a label again

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